TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Let's revisit this Wastegate syncing because I'm having an
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Subject Let's revisit this Wastegate syncing because I'm having an
Posted by PiotrC70 on June 11, 2012 at 10:32 PM
  This message has been viewed 512 times.
Message issue.

Here's my previous thread on the matter starting from the relevant post.
In the below link, it was discussed and confirmed by a few individuals that setting a wastegate pressure of XX(psi) would yield XX(psi) minus 2-3psi actual. Therefore, if you're going for 10psi of base boost(like I was), you would want about 12-13psi at the wastegate.

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Another thread followed later by someone else.
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Furthermore, the autoFAQ had a great write up.
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Sorry for all the links. For future individuals and search purposes, I'm trying to determine if I synced them wrong, or the lack of info in all these posts as to just HOW MUCH the flapper should move to consider it synced. By the FAQ, and everything I researched, it's just to the point that the wastegates break/crack open a hair.

My issue is that I synced my wastegates to 12psi just to the point where they slightly crack. As stated above, I was shooting for 10psi. What I'm getting with my boost controller completely off, and again confirmed with it being on at the lowest possible setting .2 bar / 20% duty that BOTH times, I'm peaking and leveling out at 1.25 bar/18psi.

So what's exactly the issue here? I'm shivering at the thought that I'm gonna have to drop my tranny & remove the DP's to re-sync them.

1993 TT. R.I.P. 09.15.2010

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